2013年10月25日 星期五

Being nice isn't always appreciated 好心被雷親

                   1.                好心沒好報
男孫: 阿嬤,你在哪裡?
阿嬤: 乖孫ㄟ ,你回來啊,阿嬤好想你喔,滋滋滋
男孫: 阿嬤你好噁ㄡ,你的手好髒喔
阿嬤: 我是去菜園挽菜乎你甲,你怎麼整身軀土土土,發生什麼事情 ?
男孫: 厚!我是好心沒好報,阿勇那隻狗抬腳在放尿,我好心幫牠抬高    
阿嬤: 阿嬤帶你去洗一洗,自己若麥剉尿就好了,你阿管狗阿要怎麼  
grandson: Grandma, where are you?
grandma: Good boy, you are coming back, I miss you so much. Smack, smack 
grandson: It's disgust! Your hands are really dirty.
grandma: I bring you some vegetables from backyard. Why are you so dusty
               , what happened to you?
grandson: Being nice isn't always appreciated. Neighbor's dog was peeing, 
               and I gave it a hand to pull it's leg higher, but it stumbled. Then the 
               neighbor's boy ran out to hit me, and I fought back. So we
               wrestled around, that's why I am so dusty.
grandma: It's what a mess! I will take you to clean up. If you don't pee 
              at night, not you to worry about the way of the dog's peeing.

