to say or do something that upsets another person, especially because you enjoy upsetting them Boy, she really knows how to pull your chain!
2013年12月25日 星期三
2013年12月22日 星期日
in droves 大量
in droves
Fig. in large numbers. (See also be out in droves.) The settlers arrived on the prairie in droves.
2013年12月18日 星期三
co-pay, out-of-pocket 自付額
(Co-pay, Co-insurance 都是指部分負擔醫療費用,
其中 Co-pay 是金額, Co-insurance 是指百分比)
一直到超過 Annual Out-of-Pocket 的金額後,
(Annual Out-of-Pocket 是指每年所付出的醫療費用上限,
超過此金額, 保險公司會全額幫你負擔,
2013年12月11日 星期三
nothing could be further from the truth 那是完全不對的
nothing could be further from the truth
It is used when you want to say that something is completely untrue
It is used when you want to say that something is completely untrue
2013年12月3日 星期二
take stock 全面考慮
take stock (of something)
to make an appraisal of resources and potentialities. I spent some time yesterday taking stock of my good and bad qualities. We all need to take stock now and then.
pay one's dues 付出勞力或代價來取得某樣東西
pay one's dues
1. Lit. to pay the fees required to belong to an organization. If you haven't paid your dues, you can't come to the club picnic. How many people have paid their dues?
2. Fig. to have earned one's right to something through hard work or suffering. He worked hard to get to where he is today. He paid his dues and did what he was told. I have every right to be here. I paid my dues!
2013年11月27日 星期三
talk down to someone 用一種瞧不起人,羞辱人的態度講話
talk down to someone
to speak to someone in a patronizing manner; to speak to someone in the simplest way. The manager insulted everyone in the office by talking down to them. Please don't talk down to me. I can understand anything you have to say.
2013年11月20日 星期三
a fly on the wall 偷偷觀察
a fly on the wall
if you say you would like to be a fly on the wall in a certain situation, you mean that you would like to be there secretly to see and hear what happens I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall when she tells him.
hit it off 很快變成朋友
hit it off (with someone)
Fig. to quickly become good friends with someone. Look how John hit it off with Mary. Yes, they really hit it off.
a chip off the old block 同一個模子印出來的, 樣子一模一樣
a chip off the old block
if someone is a chip off the old block, they are very similar in character to one of their parents or to another older member of their family (not used with the ) Look at her bossing everyone around - she's a real chip off the old block!
2013年11月14日 星期四
the old guard 保守的老員工
the old guard
a group of people who have worked in an organization for a long time and do not want it to change She has tried to resist attempts by the old guard to halt the reform process.
2013年11月12日 星期二
among other things 除此之外
Usually, the phrase is used in the middle of a sentence to link two thoughts together. Another word one could use instead of the phrase would be, "also". For instance, " my grandson is a great basketball player, among other things, he is a nice guy. (or) My grandson is a great basketball player, also, he is a nice guy. At the end of a sentence, it leaves the listener to his own imagination," My grandson is a great basketball player, among other things.
have an eye for someone or something 愛好
have an eye for someone or something
Fig. to have a taste or an inclination for someone or something. Bob has an eye for beauty. He has an eye for color.
a big shot / wheel 重要的人物
a big shot/wheel (American & Australian informal)
an important or powerful person in a group or organization Mr Madison is a big shot in the world of finance.
cut the tension with a knife 非常緊張
The tension in the room was so thick one could almost cut it with a knife. Meaning the people in the room were so tense that the emotion almost had a physical presence.
2013年11月9日 星期六
clean up/clean out/clean off
clean up=clean out
"Clean up" is certainly used to refer to stains. "Clean off" certainly refers to clearing things away, as from a table, etc. "Clean up" also refers to cleaning up rooms, language, behavior etc. "Clean off" generally refers to physical things. Here are some examples:
Johnny, clean up your room! It's really messy in here.
You'd better clean up your act. You've been drinking too much lately.
I'll have to clean up my language if I want to impress her.
I cleaned off the wall that had been spattered with blood.
I cleaned the blood off the wall.
"Clean up" is certainly used to refer to stains. "Clean off" certainly refers to clearing things away, as from a table, etc. "Clean up" also refers to cleaning up rooms, language, behavior etc. "Clean off" generally refers to physical things. Here are some examples:
Johnny, clean up your room! It's really messy in here.
You'd better clean up your act. You've been drinking too much lately.
I'll have to clean up my language if I want to impress her.
I cleaned off the wall that had been spattered with blood.
I cleaned the blood off the wall.
2013年11月7日 星期四
in one sitting 一口氣做完不間斷
at/in one sitting
if you do something at one sitting, you do it during one period of time without stopping I read the whole book in one sitting.
fall off the wagon 故態復萌
fall off the wagon
to start drinking alcohol again, especially too much alcohol, after a period when you have not drunk any Six months later he fell off the wagon in spectacular fashion with a three-day drinking spree.
2013年11月5日 星期二
in all honesty/seriousness/truthfulness 老實說, 認真說
in all honesty/seriousness/truthfulness
said when expressing your opinion honestly, seriously, or truthfully:In all honesty, I do have some criticisms to make.
2013年10月30日 星期三
frown on/upon 不認同
frown on/upon
to disapprove of (something). My family frowns (up) on smoking and drinking.
hold onto something 繼續擁有
hold onto something also hold on to something
to continue to keep something She might be better off holding onto her old computer for a year or two. The way to prevent fear from becoming panic is to hold onto your good sense. The team held on to first place with a 4–3 win last night.
腦波研究開端於19世紀末,當時德國生理學家柏格(Hans Berger)觀察到電鰻身上發出電波,讓他猜測人類身上也會有相同的現象;英國生理學家柯頓(Richard Cotton)從兔子的大腦皮質表面也記錄到一種電波,和呼吸、心跳都無關,但會隨著動物被麻醉而產生變化,動物死亡後就消失。
腦電波圖是記錄頭殼上,某兩點電位差隨時間的變化圖,通常以微伏(百萬分之一伏特)為單位。電位差的產生與細胞膜電位有關,所有細胞膜的兩側均有電位差,這是因為細胞內多出來的負離子會和細胞外的正離子相吸,於細胞膜的內外兩層形成電位,例如神經細胞的膜電位一般在-40~ -90mV之間(細胞內的電位相對於細胞外的電位)。腦波圖記錄到的電位差,是大腦皮質靠近表層處成千上萬個神經細胞集體所造成。
人在張眼、閉眼、清醒或昏迷狀態下,腦電波的振動頻率會有明顯不同的變化,約在1~40Hz之間,國際腦波學會(International Organization of Societies for Electrophysiological Technology)依照不同的頻率,將腦波分為α、β、δ、θ波。當人專注於思考、推理,或是壓力大、心情緊張、不自在、憂慮等,容易測到β波(12~38Hz),β波頻率最高,是「意識」層面的腦波。在專注力下降、放鬆、神遊四方、放空、心不在焉、閉上眼睛後,會測到α波(8~12Hz),α波可以說是「意識與潛意識」之間的橋樑。一旦進入睡眠時,腦電波會變成低頻波θ波(4~8Hz)與δ波(0.5~4Hz),θ波是「潛意識」的波,例如記憶、知覺、情緒、態度、信念、夢境或冥想等;δ波是「無意識」的層面,在恢復體力的睡眠時需要。α、β、δ、θ波的組合型態可反應人體行為及學習上的表現。
α、β、δ、θ波 整理圖表(電腦繪圖:姚裕評)
現行量測腦部活動的方式可以分為四種,一是前面提過的,測量電位差的腦電圖(EEG),另一種是「腦磁圖」(magneto encephalon graphic, MEG),當腦神經活化時所產生的電訊號會引發磁場變化,所偵測到訊號的大小就是腦磁圖。
此外,還有「功能性磁振造影」(functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI),它是一種神經影像技術。因為腦神經活動需要耗能,此時血氧含量會提高,透過量測腦中的血氧含量,可以推斷當時的腦部活動,進而觀察受試者從事不同活動時,各腦區的生理活性變化。第四種是正子斷層造影(positron emission tomography, PET),這是近幾年來發展快、靈敏度高的影像診斷技術,PET以帶有特殊標記的放射性葡萄糖合成藥劑注入受檢者體內,透過儀器測量腦內不同部位葡萄糖的消耗速率,再推斷當時的腦部活動反應。
committee vs. commission 常任型的委員會vs.任務型的委員會
A committee is a group of people who meet and deliberate according to fixed rules in order to make a decision or produce a document as a group. A commission is a group of people who are entrusted (that is the etymology) by a government to carry out a task. Sometimes the task is a specific one (like ascertaining a particular fact or resolving a particular problem) and sometimes the task is more long-term (like the SEC, that is, Securities and Exchange Commission). A commission is usually distinct from other kinds of agency in two ways: it has no single, permanent administrator, and it has no independent or constitutional authority of its own—it operates under the authority of another part of the government. Of course, a commission can be a committee (like the 9/11 Commission), but very few committees are commissions, and some commissions are not committees.
committee 常任型的委員會
commission 任務型的委員會
committee 常任型的委員會
commission 任務型的委員會
2013年10月25日 星期五
Being nice isn't always appreciated 好心被雷親
1. 好心沒好報
男孫: 阿嬤,你在哪裡?
阿嬤: 乖孫ㄟ ,你回來啊,阿嬤好想你喔,滋滋滋
男孫: 阿嬤你好噁ㄡ,你的手好髒喔
阿嬤: 我是去菜園挽菜乎你甲,你怎麼整身軀土土土,發生什麼事情 ?
男孫: 厚!我是好心沒好報,阿勇那隻狗抬腳在放尿,我好心幫牠抬高
阿嬤: 阿嬤帶你去洗一洗,自己若麥剉尿就好了,你阿管狗阿要怎麼
grandson: Grandma, where are you?
grandma: Good boy, you are coming back, I miss you so much. Smack, smack
grandson: It's disgust! Your hands are really dirty.
grandma: I bring you some vegetables from backyard. Why are you so dusty
, what happened to you?
grandson: Being nice isn't always appreciated. Neighbor's dog was peeing,
and I gave it a hand to pull it's leg higher, but it stumbled. Then the
neighbor's boy ran out to hit me, and I fought back. So we
wrestled around, that's why I am so dusty.
grandma: It's what a mess! I will take you to clean up. If you don't pee
at night, not you to worry about the way of the dog's peeing.
男孫: 阿嬤,你在哪裡?
阿嬤: 乖孫ㄟ ,你回來啊,阿嬤好想你喔,滋滋滋
男孫: 阿嬤你好噁ㄡ,你的手好髒喔
阿嬤: 我是去菜園挽菜乎你甲,你怎麼整身軀土土土,發生什麼事情 ?
男孫: 厚!我是好心沒好報,阿勇那隻狗抬腳在放尿,我好心幫牠抬高
阿嬤: 阿嬤帶你去洗一洗,自己若麥剉尿就好了,你阿管狗阿要怎麼
grandson: Grandma, where are you?
grandma: Good boy, you are coming back, I miss you so much. Smack, smack
grandson: It's disgust! Your hands are really dirty.
grandma: I bring you some vegetables from backyard. Why are you so dusty
, what happened to you?
grandson: Being nice isn't always appreciated. Neighbor's dog was peeing,
and I gave it a hand to pull it's leg higher, but it stumbled. Then the
neighbor's boy ran out to hit me, and I fought back. So we
wrestled around, that's why I am so dusty.
grandma: It's what a mess! I will take you to clean up. If you don't pee
at night, not you to worry about the way of the dog's peeing.
2013年10月23日 星期三
jury is still out 尚未決定
jury is still out (on someone or something)
Fig. a decision has not been reached on someone or something; the people making the decision on someone or something have not yet decided. The jury is still out on Jane. We don't know what we are going to do about her. The jury is still out on the question of building a new parking lot.
Binaural beats 雙聲道拍頻
雙聲道拍頻(Binaural beats)是Heinrich Wilhelm Dove在1839年發現的一種人造幻音,可以喚起人腦對特定生理刺激的感知。當兩種頻率十分接近的音,分別輸入左耳和右耳時,會聽到低頻的脈衝音[2]。輸入的頻率必須在20-20,000赫茲之間,兩頻率也必須相當接近(其差值約小於30赫茲),才聽得到這種脈衝的拍頻。
mesh with something 適合
mesh with something
to fit with something. Your idea just doesn't mesh with my plans. Currently, your proposed project doesn't mesh at all well with our long-range planning.
REM sleep
快速動眼期(英語:Rapid Eye Movement,REM)是一個睡眠的階段,又稱快速眼動睡眠。眼球在此階段時會快速移動。在這個階段,大腦的神經元的活動與清醒的時候相同。多數在醒來後能夠回憶的栩栩如生的夢都是在REM睡眠發生的。它是全部睡眠階段中最淺的,在REM睡眠時醒過來的人會不同於在其他睡眠階段的情形,而是充滿警覺心並且精神飽滿。
restorative REM sleep 可恢復體力的REM 睡眠
2013年10月17日 星期四
you and what army 放馬過來 對威脅沒在怕
You and who else? and You and what army?
Inf. a phrase that responds to a threat by implying that the threat is a weak one. Bill: I'm going to punch you in the nose! Bob: Yeah? You and who else? Tom: Our team is going to slaughter your team. Bill: You and what army? Bill: If you don't stop doing that, I'm going to hit you. Tom: You and who else?
2013年10月16日 星期三
go to one's head 昏了頭
go to one's head - Phrases/Idioms
- Make one dizzy or drunk, as in Wine always goes to her head. [c. 1900]
- Make one proud or vain, as in All this money is going to his head. [Early 1900s]
turn the corner 好轉
turn the corner
Fig. to pass a critical point in a process. The patient turned the corner last night. She should begin to show improvement now. The project has turned the corner. The rest should be easy.
2013年10月15日 星期二
pull somebody up with a start 嚇了一跳
bring/pull somebody up with a start
if something that someone says brings you up with a start, it surprises you and often causes you to suddenly stop what you were doing The sound of his voice pulled me up with a start.
2013年10月12日 星期六
have to hand it to somebody 肯定 補償
have (got) to hand it to somebody
to recognize that someone deserves respect for what they did You have to hand it to her - she turned that company around and made it profitable.
2013年10月10日 星期四
putting something into context 了解 考慮到
putting something into context is putting it into something where it makes sense, or is understandable.
For example, if someone were to say "I killed my cat", it would sound horrible. But if put into context, like this; "I killed my cat humanely because it was in extreme pain", well that's putting it into context because it makes more sense.
For example, if someone were to say "I killed my cat", it would sound horrible. But if put into context, like this; "I killed my cat humanely because it was in extreme pain", well that's putting it into context because it makes more sense.
2013年10月9日 星期三
behind closed doors 秘密的 私下的
behind closed doors
in secret; away from observers, reporters, or intruders, usually in a closed room. They held the meeting behind closed doors, as the law allowed. Every important issue was decided behind closed doors.
2013年10月8日 星期二
a light bulb goes off 靈機一動
A light bulb goes off
This is the classic symbol of an idea coming to someone - that a light bulb turns on.
In English, unfortunately, we often say that things that happen suddenly "go off." Like I lit a firecracker and it almost went off in my hand. Or, I was having a nice dream when my alarm clock went off.
Yes. In English, something like an alarm clock can "go off" when it turns on.
rank and file 普通士兵 一般大眾
rank and file
1. Lit. regular soldiers, not the officers. I think there is low morale among the rank and file, sir. The rank and file usually do exactly as they are told.
2. Fig. the ordinary members of a group, not the leaders. The rank and file will vote on the proposed contract tomorrow. The last contract was turned down by the rank and file last year.
get on somebody's nerves 很煩
get/grate on somebody's nerves (informal)
to annoy someone, especially by doing something again and again If we spend too much time together, we end up getting on each other's nerves. The telephone hadn't stopped ringing all morning and it was starting to grate on my nerves.
2013年10月3日 星期四
fall through the cracks 健忘的,遺失的
fall/slip through the cracks
to get lost or be forgotten, especially within a system It seems that important information given to the police may have fallen through the cracks.
fall through the cracks also slip through the cracks
to be not noticed or dealt with Obviously too many young people fall through the cracks in the healthcare system.
2013年10月2日 星期三
hollow-point bullet中空彈,又名空尖彈
A hollow-point bullet is an expanding bullet that has a pit or hollowed out shape in its tip, often intended to cause the bullet to expand upon entering a target in order to decrease penetration and disrupt more tissue as it travels through the target. It is also used for controlled penetration, where over-penetration could cause collateral damage(such as on an aircraft)
中空彈,又名空尖彈,英文名稱Hollow Point Bullet或Jacketed Hollow Points(JHP),顧名思義是彈頭尖端中空的子彈,在彈頭種類上屬於擴張型彈頭。
中空彈,又名空尖彈,英文名稱Hollow Point Bullet或Jacketed Hollow Points(JHP),顧名思義是彈頭尖端中空的子彈,在彈頭種類上屬於擴張型彈頭。
bring something about 實行
bring something about 實行
- To make it happen; to cause it.
bring justice about 實行正義
bring home something 證明或釐清
bring home something (bring something home to someone)
- To prove or show it clearly.
2013年10月1日 星期二
2013年9月30日 星期一
bad rap 不實的指控
bad rap
- n.
a false criminal charge. (Underworld. The same as bum rap.) : Freddy got stuck with a bad rap. - n.
unjustified criticism.
freeloader 白吃白喝靠別人的救濟
freeloader 白吃白喝靠別人的救濟
Slang a person who habitually depends on the charity of others for food, shelter, etc.
Don’t put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。
Don’t put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。
Don’t put the cart before the horse.
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